Find out what other students say about my classes …


Catherine, university docent

"I would like to thank you for everything you have done for me this year; your patience, compassion, love, care, hugs, wise worlds, smiles, advices and above all the kindness you radiate in class. You have been a great support in my "restorative" process and I wanna thank you for that. I hope you continue touching your "yogi's" heart and that you receive back everything you give us in classes. "At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us  cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lightened the flame within us." Thanks a lot to be that flame."

Lotte, visual designer, yoga teacher, age 41

“Just letting you know that I’m inquiring in myself, what nurtures me what and who insipers me. And you are there, in my wrinting, I find your presence so nourishing and inspiring and your teaching too. You are, yourself,as you always so beautifully say, of great value to the universe. Thank you for being.”



Galina, Business Analyst, forever young

“I met Emese 17 years ago when she came to share my workload in a demanding job. Emese’s readiness to give a helping hand with a smile and  encouraging words made my life easier and brighter.  At the same time we both discovered the world of yoga, which made our bond even stronger. Later I moved to another company, but Emese and I kept in touch.
Last year the heavy stress at work and personal life made me turn to Emese with a cry for help, and she immediately came to my rescue. With love, kindness, patience Emese led me through the difficult period in my life, during our yoga classes explaining every move - how it works on my body and spirit, teaching me breathing techniques, that help me now to deal with anxiety and to stop pain
Emese is a thoughtful and compassionate teacher, adjusting the workout flow to the individual needs of her students. Love to have Emese in my life! “

Juliet, entrepreneur, age 39

“I feel really reborn after the special combination of breathing exercises and restorative yoga. Emese leads you gently through the class, it is therefore easy to give myself over. She has a very calming appearance, I felt completely safe and comfortable with her from day one.”

Julya, stylist, age 23

“I think we often forget about the fact that we need to give ourselves peace. When I started my yoga sessions I felt charged after every session. Emese teaches you to be aware of your body and mind in a very pleasant way. She will teach you through lessons as if you were completely alone, which gave me a lot of satisfaction.”

Silvia, Marketing Specialist, age 45

“I am so thankful to be a student in the classes of Emese Deana. She’s the one that makes me humhum, yeah I love to sing and hum, and figuring out that the heart is wise. Emese well, let's just say I can't wait to get back to your relax and renewal classes. I absolutely love it. Just be. Thanks for being such a nice person Emese. I understand it is a gift to join your classes. With love, Silvia.”

”Just wanted to let you know i really enjoy your online class. I joined 2 now and i’ve noticed my sleep is deeper the night after the class, my body and system feel more calm and the rest/digest state is being activated wich is kind of new for me being soooo used to the fight flight modus😊”

'Emese is jouw ultieme noodzakelijke wekelijkse ontspanning. Of je nu een massage boekt of een yogales mee doet. Emese zorgt ervoor dat je echt kunt ontspannen, met een fijne dosis humor zorgt ze ervoor dat de instructies duidelijk, empatisch maar vooral niet te zweverig zijn. Zodat je weer opgeladen bent voor de rest van je week'

” Kind, gentle, comforting, warming, safe and relaxing massage Emese is an expert!”

”Dankjewel voor de heerlijke les met echt toepasselijk thema nu. Zo goed om dit weer zo direct te ervaren en los te laten wat op heel diep niveau niet meer dient.”


‘Hi Emese, without a doubt, I would love to write you a review.
I’ve never told you, but your presence and voice have had deep impact on me. It’s unfortunate that you yourself cannot receive your own “slowly slowly” at the end of a restorative yoga pose. Because it is a piece of heaven. Your voice and lessons have allowed me to deeply feel, relax, and rest. Truly rest. On a level that I did not know that it was accessible to me at that time. A time where I was processing deep stress in my life. I’m very grateful for that and still often think about that vibrating and deep “slowly slowly”, that just moves every cell of your being. I don’t know how you do it, but thank you.’

Door Emese's restorative yoga lessen leer ik beter te luisteren naar wat mijn lichaam nodig heeft. Emese nodigt actief uit om écht te voelen wat je lichaam fijn vindt en op dat moment nodig heeft. Dat doet ze op een zachte en liefdevolle manier.  Ik had weinig verwachtingen voor de 1e les; was vooral gewend aan de krachtige yoga vormen. Maar ik merk dat haar lessen me zoveel brengen! Als je wilt leren ontspannen en af en toe wilt uitstaan, is dit echt een aanrader. “